by BEAR | Oct 7, 2016 | Updates |
The Kickstarter is still progressing well! – Link it, share it, back it, LOVE IT. So here we are at the end of Day 5 and we are over a third of the way into our funding goal! (EDIT: we just hit $5k! Hot tamales!) We have a...
by BEAR | Sep 24, 2016 | Updates |
Project Biomodus is coming to Kickstarter! It’s official folks; Project Biomodus is going to Kickstarter on October 3rd! Until November 3rd, you will have the opportunity to join in the development and back the game! There is going to be a Collector’s Edition of the...
by BEAR | Sep 4, 2016 | Updates |
Tumblr Folks! Project Biomodus now has an official Tumblr page, run by the wonderful Jessie! You can get to the page by clicking the following link: Official Project Biomodus Page!
by BEAR | Aug 28, 2016 | Updates |
So the details for Big Bad Con are now available on the website! Just head to the Big Bad Con link, and take a look. Details include the times, what you can expect as a player, and a few other snippits. Big Bad Con is one of those places that are a haven for small...
by BEAR | Jul 3, 2016 | Updates |
Hey all! So KublaCon was a really great source of feedback, and one of the biggest issues we discovered is that the Antagonists of Project Biomodus needed some tweaking and adjustment. As of this morning, the Antagonist section has been re-written with full...
by BEAR | Jun 20, 2016 | Updates |
Hey all! Just wanted to give you an update. Project Biomodus is planning on going to Big Bad Con on the 14th through to the 16th of October, 2016! Although the game sessions have not been confirmed yet, the idea is that we want to run four games of Project Biomodus...