The Kickstarter is still progressing well! – Link it, share it, back it, LOVE IT.
So here we are at the end of Day 5 and we are over a third of the way into our funding goal! (EDIT: we just hit $5k! Hot tamales!)
We have a lot of creative tiers still available though and through that, I am hoping to see many of you get your designs into the game and onto the final pages of the book. Stay tuned for more updates and make sure you check out the following events!:
Xenogelion Live Stream:
Come to BIG BAD CON!:
Thank you to everyone for continuing to make Project Biomodus a huge success! You guys are fantastic and if there is anything I can do to help you get the word out there to people, then let me know. If you have a blog, a review site, or a podcast and you need some more information or want to have a chat about Project Biomodus, let me know!
Thanks everyone!